Christine Mukantwali, Ph.D.

Christine Mukantwali portrait
Food and Nutrition Specialist
Based In
Huye, Rwanda

Christine Mukantwali is a food and nutrition specialist at Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB). With the Horticulture Innovation Lab, she has collaborated on a project focused on reducing postharvest loss in Rwanda.

Mukantwali has a background in food safety, postharvest practices, food preservation, food safety and nutrition. She is passionate about promoting vegetable and fruit production in kitchen gardens as a way to increase the dietary diversity of Rwandans and hopes that her life's work can decrease the number of Rwandan children who experience stunting. 

She is fluent in French, Swahili and Kinyarwanda. Mukantwali's research has focused primarily on pineapples, amaranthus, banana, sweet potato and cassava. She has been honored with an award in Research Methodology from University of KwaZula-Natal and a fellowship from African Women in Research and Development (AWARD) in collaboration with the Agro Polis Foundation.

She earned her Ph.D in Food Science and Technology from Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania and a master's degree in human nutrition from the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. She holds bachelor's degrees in human nutrition from the University of KwaZulu-Natal and from the University of Rwanda. 


Favorite Fruit? 

Best thing about collaborating across borders?
I learn new things from colleagues

When I'm not working you can find me ...
Reading the news



