Frequently asked questions on seed drying beads


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) and answers about seed drying and the drying beads technology.

Why do we need to dry seeds? Seeds are dried to preserve seed quality. Each 1% reduction in seed moisture content between 5-15% or 5˚C reduction in seed temperature between 0 and 50˚C doubles the life of the seed.

What are seed drying beads? Seed drying beads are modified ceramic materials (aluminum silicates) that specifically absorb water and hold them in microscopic pores. These beads remove water from the air, creating very low humidity inside of closed containers. Storing seeds inside of containers with the drying beads will remove water from the seeds and dry them without heating.

What are other advantages of seed drying beads? Beads can be removed and re-used and since the seeds are inside airtight containers with the beads, they are also protected fold molds, insects, and rodents.

What quantity of beads is needed to dry seeds? The amount of beads depends on the quantity of seeds, the initial seed MC, and the final MC desired.

Can the bead drying system be scaled up for large quantities of seeds? For larger quantities, forced air systems have been designed that use beads to dry the air that is circulated through the seeds.

Can seed drying beads be used for other purposes? These beads can be used to dry herbs, fruits, or vegetables.

More questions and answers can be found in the FAQ page on seed drying beads.



Fact sheet


Drying beads