Role of horticultural crops development authority and horticulture sector performance report


Horticulture subsector brief provided to participants of the Field Tour during the program's 2013 Annual Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya. Provided by the Horticultural Crops Development Authority (HCDA) of Kenya.

"The statutory objective of the Authority is to promote and develop the production and marketing of horticultural produce At the time of establishing the Authority, the horticultural sub-sector was seen as a viable solution for the country’s need for cash crop diversification, enhanced food nutrition, income generation, employment creation and foreign exchange earning in addition to providing raw material for agro-processing industries.

"The focus of the Authority at inception was mainly the small-holder farmers who had the potential to utilize their own labour, as the production processes were labour intensive, with a view to getting high return for their limited land."

Their vision, mission and mandate is covered along with industry background, domestic and export performance.  They close the brief with the major issues faced by the HCDA and the industry as a whole.


