This 90-second video shares the story of Fatoumata Cissoko, a young entrepreneur living in Kindia, Guinea. Fatoumata manages a pineapple farm, uses a chimney solar dryer to dry her pineapple, packages it, and sells it in her community.
“Go-getters like Fatoumata show us that with a little know-how, innovation, and a ton of work you can get ahead in this crazy work, making her an inspiration to all of us.”
This video was made by the Horticulture Innovation Lab project team in Guinea, working to establish a Horticulture Training and Services Center with leadership from young entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurs are part of the AVENIR program (Agents en Vulgarisation, Entrepreneuriat et Innovation Rurale, or “agents of extension, entrepreneurship and rural innovation") with Feed the Future Guinea Agricultural Services. Fatoumata Cissoko is one of the AVENIRs working at the center.
This video debuted at the 2018 Horticulture Innovation Lab annual meeting in Kigali, Rwanda.

Young entrepreneurs help Guinea’s farmers access postharvest innovation
Read a related blog post about Fatoumata Cissoko, including her work with the Horticulture Innovation Lab and her pineapple drying business.