
Guidance on managing project finances

Invoice Submission
Please submit all invoices and related financial inquiries to and Katie Schroeder (

Budget Revisions
Any changes between line items in excess of 10% of either line item should be approved by the management team. Please email any such request (with a revised budget reflecting the proposed change) to and Katie Schroeder (

Budget Template
Use this template for responses to funding solicitations and for any budget submissions or updates throughout project implementation.

Reporting participant costs

These include any costs related to supporting participants to attend and participate in a training. This funds need to be approved, even if they are in your project budget, prior to the training, one month prior. These details are needed to be submitted in Piestar under the Requests Tab include for approval. PIs will be notified when approval is received.-

  • The provider of the training
  • The topic or brief description of the training
  • How long (days/hours) the training is
  • The number of people being trained
  • Affiliation of people being trained
  • Location of training
  • Names of participants that need to travel internationally for attending the training and where they are traveling from
  • And, budget for participant support costs (transport, per diem, lodging, etc...)

Capital Equipment

Capital Equipment costing over USD$5000 needs prior approval and specific documentation. Please fill out Restricted Goods Form and entries will be sent USAID AOR for approval. PIs will be notified when approval is received.