- m.a.abedin@bau.edu.bd
- https://www.anwarulabedin.com/
Dr. Md Anwarul Abedin has been working as Professor in the Department of Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. He is also leader of Laboratory of Environment and Sustainable Development and Adjunct Professor at Disaster Risk Management Unit at Philippines School of Business Administration, Manila, philippine. He is a coordinator of University Networks in Bangladesh. Dr. Abedin did his PhD from Kyoto University in 2011 in environmental studies. Subsequently, he did JSPS postdoctoral research during 2011-2013 in the same university on international environment and disaster management with especial focus on soil and water quality and quantity. Dr. Abedin also worked as a visiting scholar of Northumbria University, UK under the theme of disaster management. He was a PAAR fellow in collaboration with Kyoto University, Japan and START Secretariat, USA. He is conducting fundamental and applied research on water quality and social aspect, water resources management, urban and rural linkage, CCA and DRR issues and also soil health and food security, land use change, soil fertility and arsenic pollution. Dr. Abedin is collaborating in a number of research projects funded by DFID, NERC, British Council, JICA, CARRIA, Canada, World Bank, Kurita Foundation, Japan and different National level funding bodies