- john.nzungize@worldveg.org
- https://avrdc.org/view/staff/entry/34575/
Dr. John Nzungize, originally from Rwanda, is the Vegetable Systems Scientist and Country Representative for Mali at Worldveg. With over 20 years of experience in leadership and management across various levels of Research for Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Dr. Nzungize possesses a proven track record in establishing and managing partnerships with international institutions.
Before joining the World Vegetable Center, Dr. Nzungize served as a multi-country project manager at SN. Prior to this role, he held positions as a senior scientist and project manager, as well as a technology uptake specialist, at ICRISAT Mali. His earlier career includes serving as a Principal Research Fellow in Crop Production and Germplasm Conservation at the Rwanda Agriculture Board, and working as a Plant Breeder and Plant Protectionist, particularly focusing on common beans.
Dr. Nzungize holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences with a specialization in Plant Breeding from the University of Liege Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Belgium. He also earned an M.Sc. degree in Plant Breeding from the Gembloux Agricultural University (Faculté Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux), Belgium, in 2005.