
Horticulture Innovation Lab in Guatemala

As part of Feed the Future, the Horticulture Innovation Lab has conducted research in Guatemala focused on drip irrigation, conservation agriculture, climate-smart agriculture, nematodes, soil health, small-scale entrepreneurship, low-cost technologies, and other topics critical to advancing horticulture in Guatemala's Western Highlands region. 

This page includes links to Horticulture Innovation Lab research projects, major partners and partner organizations based in Guatemala, along with blog articles and information products with a focus on horticulture in Guatemala.


Advancing Postharvest Innovation: Training at Zamorano University

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Collaborative locally led training initiative locally led by the Horticulture Innovation Lab Central America Regional Hub based at Zamorano University, brings together small-scale producers, private companies, and NGOs to address critical challenges in postharvest handling of fruits, vegetables, and grains across Central America.

5 lessons for expanding drip irrigation among smallholder farmers

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Meagan Terry writes about lessons learned from the MasRiego project in Guatemala, focused on drip irrigation and climate resilience. Though its name means “more irrigation” in Spanish, this project does more than just install drip irrigation systems.

Events launch irrigation project in Guatemala

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Meagan Terry writes about opening activities for this new project focused on drip irrigation and conservation agriculture, including initial training activities and establishing a demonstration garden.

MásRiego project starts in Guatemala

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Expanding irrigation and climate-smart farming to Guatemala

An international team led by UC Davis is working to connect 9,000 rural households in Guatemala with improved water management and climate-smart agriculture strategies, to increase food security and reduce poverty.

Scholarship opportunity: Guatemalan to study at North Carolina A&T

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Guatemalans interested in pursuing a doctoral degree are encouraged to apply for a fellowship package that will be part of an upcoming Horticulture Innovation Lab project in Guatemala, called MásRiego. Guatemaltecos/as interesados ​​en obtener un título de doctorado para solicitar un paquete de becas que formará parte de un nuevo proyecto del “Horticulture Innovation Lab” en Guatemala, llamado MásRiego.