Janelle Larson, Ph.D.

Janelle Larson, Penn State professor ag economics
Consortium Specialists
Associate Professor, Agricultural Economics
Consortium Specialist - Gender Equity
Based In
Reading, Pennsylvania (USA)

Janelle Larson is an associate professor of agricultural economics at Penn State University. She is the principal investigator (P.I.) on the Horticulture Innovation Lab's project focused on empowering women through horticulture in Honduras (also sometimes called Women in Agriculture Network: Honduras). The project explores the potential for horticultural production to improve household nutrition, increase income and empower women in western Honduras.

Larson's research focuses on international rural development with work primarily on land markets, value chain analysis and gender in development. She seeks to identify programs, processes and practices that lead to sustainable development by empowering those often overlooked.

She hold a D.Phil. and M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics from the University of Oxford. From Kansas State University, she has a B.S. in Animal Sciences and Industry and also a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences.


What is your favorite travel tip?
Carry duct tape, a pocket knife and trail mix.

Best thing about collaborating across borders:
Learning new things about the world and myself, every time.



United States