- jlopez@zamorano.edu
- https://www.zamorano.edu/
Julio López is an associate professor and a plant protection specialist and leads classes in integrated pest management and small-scale crop production systems as a professor at the Panamerican Agricultural School, Zamorano, in Honduras. He is also the Director of the Horticulture Innovation Lab Regional Innovation Center at Zamorano. Professor López has mentored students and participated in several courses on effective rural development, food security and food safety, IPM in vegetables, fruits and grains crops at Zamorano, Nicaragua and Honduras agricultural universities. He also is an expert in the extension of information on IPM, farmer field school methodology and alternative technologies for pest control for small producers, handlers and consumers. He has been involved in several scientific publications in IPM, vegetable crop production, and pest management for small and medium size farmers. He is a member of the IPM Network for Central America, member of the Honduras family farming committee, the Pest Plant Protection Network of Nicaragua and member of the National IPM Committee of Nicaragua.