Kari Flores

Kari Flores, UC Davis, portrait
Former graduate assistant
  • kcflores@ucdavis.edu
Based In
Davis, California (USA)

As a graduate assistant, Kari Flores managed the gardening at the Horticulture Innovation Lab Demonstration Center, including the African and Asian indigenous vegetable beds and other display beds, and a floating garden prototype. She also monitored moringa trees for winter hardiness in the Davis climate.

Kari is currently researching the UC Davis chimney solar dryer, studying the wind flow and temperatures in the many configurations available on the dryer. The results will help guide future scale up in-field for more efficient operation of the UC Davis Solar chimney dryer. Kari's concern for healthy soils, farming, pollinator protection, and growing plants of all kinds, motivates and inspires her work in the Horticulture Innovation Lab Demonstration Garden.

Kari has been a viticulturist (wine grapes) in the Napa Valley for many years.  Her focus is on organic agriculture with minimal inputs and low volume spray technologies, and soil health. She holds a bachelor's degree in Environmental Design from UC Davis, where she is also pursuing a master's degree in Horticulture and Agronomy.


Most influential quote:
"Don't Panic" –Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Favorite fruit:
Apricots: fresh, dried, jam (in that order)

Favorite vegetable:
Pepinos con chile y limon!


United States