Evaluating support for smallholder production of paprika and tomatoes in Zimbabwe

Evaluating support for smallholder production of paprika and tomatoes in Zimbabwe

Project Description

Political unrest and economic turmoil in Zimbabwe in the first decade of the 21st Century has destroyed agricultural export industries and the country's emerging smallholder horticulture sector. The adoption of a stable currency and a unity government awakens hope that small-scale farmers can be stimulated to participate in production of horticultural export and locally marketed crops.

Using the paprika crop grown for export and tomatoes produced for local markets as examples, this project's international team works to determine how smallholders in irrigation schemes in both Manicaland and in peri-urban areas near Harare get information for production and marketing of these horticultural crops. Potential linkages with local institutions that previously generated research and extension information on horticulture, such as nearby local universities, private agri-businesses and research and extension in the Ministry of Agriculture are also assessed. The potential influence of gender issues on participation, adoption and household impacts will be assessed. At the conclusion of this project, workshops are planned in each of the two production areas to identify the major findings and opportunities for further work.

Map Location

-17.8251657, 31.03351

-18.9216386, 32.174605



USAID Objective
