Losses of horticultural crops after harvest continue to range from 30-80 percent in Sub-Saharan Africa, including well documented problems with food quality, safety and nutritional value.
This project combines a wide variety of training programs, adaptive research and demonstrations of postharvest services — while providing access to needed tools and supplies in order to reduce postharvest losses and improve market access and incomes for small-scale women farmers in Tanzania. Led by Diane Barrett of UC Davis, this project's international team will also
The location of the Postharvest Training and Services Center established by this project team in Tanzania, at the World Vegetable Center's regional office in Arusha, will serve as a model for postharvest development in five additional Sub-Saharan countries, whose representatives will participate via collaboration with African partners.
Through project activities, 30 postharvest specialists from the six countries in Sub-Saharan Africa will be well-qualified to implement enhanced postharvest handling techniques and training. After their training, the specialists are charged to teach these techniques to approximately 1,000 women farmers in their home countries. This will result in increased consumption of higher quality produce and improved returns on investment to women farmers.
Updates about the Postharvest Training and Services Center (PTSC):
- Journal article: Evaluation of a model Postharvest Training and Services Center, published in Agriculture 2015, 5, 441-455.
- Success story: Reducing food losses through postharvest training (PDF) one-pager from Horticulture Innovation Lab staff
- PTSC poster and flier from 2014 annual meeting: Opening a regional postharvest training and services center
- "Postharvest ‘master trainers’ graduate from Tanzania center" (see p.5) in Horticulture CRSP News, Jan. 2013
- "Promoting best postharvest practices" article in AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center's newsletter, Nov. 2012
Project deliverables, postharvest information and research results:
- Journal article: Use of insulated covers over product crates to reduce losses in amaranth during shipping delays, published in Agriculture 2015, 4, 1204-1223.
- Swahili translation (PDF) of "Small-Scale Postharvest Handling Practices: A Manual for Horticultural Crops"
- Postharvest Training group on LinkedIn
- Postharvest Training and Services Center brochure (PDF)
- "Developing and Promoting Sustainable Postharvest Technologies for India and Africa" (PDF) research article in UN ESCAP's Centre for Alleviation of Poverty through Sustainable Agriculture (CAPSA) newsletter