Seed Systems And Germplasm - Information Products
Information Products
Success story: Drying beads help Bangladesh farmers access better seed
Fact sheet, Program materials
Success story: ‘Dry chain’ partnership helps farmers store seed better
Fact sheet, Program materials
Drying beads save high quality seeds
Fact sheet, Program materials
New, low-cost indicator of food dryness: DryCard™
Fact sheet, Program materials
Las perlas de secado para el almacenamiento de semillas de alta calidad
Fact sheet, Program materials
Training manual for postharvest handling of horticultural crops in Rwanda
How-to Manual, Curriculum, Training
Webinar: Dry Chain - Solving dried commodity losses due to moisture and humidity
Presentation, Video
Seed production basics for African indigenous vegetables
How-to Manual
Scaling drying beads in Bangladesh
Video, 2018 annual meeting
Seed germination cabinet fact sheet
Fact sheet
Brochure on seed drying beads in Telugu
How-to Manual
Brochure on seed drying beads in Nepali
How-to Manual
Improving yield through better farm-saved seed storage
How-to Manual
Dry Chain website
Informative website
2014 Project update: Dry chain can maintain seed quality in humid regions
Poster, 2014 annual meeting
Field evaluation and multiplication of tomato cultivars in Honduras
Poster, 2014 annual meeting
Vegetable grafting in Honduras and Guatemala
Poster, 2015 annual meeting
Lightning talk: Commercialization of drying technologies for horticultural seed
Presentation, 2016 annual meeting
5-minute lesson: Dry chain and dry store
Presentation, 2017 annual meeting
Drying seeds and produce
Presentation, 2016 Symposium on Horticultural Science
Drying Beads website
Informative website
Seeds of Hope: Producing local, disease-resistant vegetable seed
Presentation, 2013 annual meeting
New technology for postharvest drying and storing of horticultural seeds
Poster, 2010 inception workshop
Diversity of vegetable crops at AVRDC Regional Center for Africa
Poster, 2010 inception workshop